last modified 02/12/2003

Coursecode: wb2407
Coursename: Human movement control

ECTS creditpoints: 4

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Helm, prof. dr. F.C.T. van der

Tel.: 015-27 85616

Catalog data:
Biomechanics, biophysics, biomedical engineering, human movement control, motion recording, robotics, musculoskeletal systems.

Course year: MSc 1st year
Semester: 1A / 1B
Hours p/w: 2
Other hours: -
Assessment: Written
(see academic calendar)

Prerequisites: wb2204, wb2302

Follow up: -

Detailed description of topics:
1. Introduction, joints, ligaments, muscles. 2. Three-dimensional motion description, Euler angles, helical axis. 3. 3-D motion recording. 4. Muscle properties, muscle models. 5. Musculo skeletal models, parameters, EM6-recordings. 6. Inverse dynamics, forward dynamics, optimization. 7. Motion control, stabilization. 8.'Equilibrium point' hypothesis. 9. Internal representation, adaptive model reference control. 10. Propriocepsis, muscle spindles, Golgi tendon organs. 11. A-reflexive muscles, reflexive muscles, neural transmission delays. 12. Muscle stiffness, joint stiffness, stabilization. 13. Applications tot the human arm, shoulder and elbow. 14. Artificial neural networks as a model of the central nervous system. 15. Comparison with robotics.

Course material:
Reader (in preparation): Human movement control. Scientific papers handed out during the course.

References from literature:

Remarks (specific information about assesment, entry requirements, etc.):

This course is designed to provide students an introduction to musculo skeletal models of the human motion system. Special focus is on neural control of motion, and achieved stability. As a biomedical engineering course, knowledge can be applied in orthopaedics and rehabilition engineering.

Computer use:
A few homework tasks.

Laboratory project(s):

Design content:

Percentage of design: