last modified 17/02/2003

Coursecode: wb4420
Coursename: Gas Turbines

ECTS creditpoints: 3

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Buijtenen,, various guests

Tel.: 015-27 82179

Catalog data:
Ideeal Brayton-process, real gas turbine process; stationary gas turbines and aero engines;  performance calculation; optimalisation of various cycle variants; gas turbine types and applications; turbo-machinery; gas turbine-components: compressor, combustion chamber, turbine, jet pipe; emissions; characteristics and control.

Course year: MSc 1st year
Period: 1A / 1B
Hours per week: 2
Other hours: 4 (practicum)
Assesment: Written
Assessm. period:
(see academic calandar)

Prerequisites: wb1224, wb4304

Follow up: wb4421

Detailed description of topics:

The course is given according to the “diktaat GASTURBINES”.

·         Introduction. Historic development. Gas Turbine industry.

·         Areas of application and comparison of stationary gas turbine and aircraft engine performance.

·         The ideal cycle and the effect of compressor pressure ratio, inlet pressure ratio and turbine-entry temperature on power and efficiency.

·         Real cycle: deviations of the ideal cycle and variants on the standard cycle.

·         Gas turbines for shaft power: single and multiple shaft configurations, calculation of efficiency, combined-cycles en variants on the standard cycle.

·         Gas turbines for thrust: aero engines, thrust calculation, turbojet, turboshaft and turbofan engines.

·         Combustion chambers: fuel, vaporising, combustion process, emissions. New concepts for low emissions and combustor hardware design.

·         Turbo machinery: axial en radial compressors, axial en radial turbines. Energy transfer, velocity tri-angles and degree of reaction, mechanical design, blade cooling.

·         Gas turbine characteristics: component characteristics, stall, surge and choking. Characteristics of the gas generator, in combination with a jet pipe or a power turbine.

·         Examples of performance calculations.


Course material:
C.J. Houtman, W.P.J. Visser - GASTURBINES (1999); various hand-outs during the course. (See also list of applicable chapters of Gas Turbine Theory, to be issued during the English courses)

References from literature:
Cohen, H., Rogers, G.F.C., Saravannamuttoo, H.I.H., Gas Turbine Theory, 4
th ed., Longman, London, 1996. ISBN 0-582-23632-0

Remarks (Assessment, entry requirements, etc): Tentamen: no books allowed, formula sheet will be made available.

Learning Goals:
The goal is to teach students basic knowledge of the energy transformation process in gas turbines and the relation between engine configuration and operational demands. The course includes also an in-depth knowledge of design aspects of the various components, in order to enable the student to have a profound insight in engineering and operational problems related to gas turbines. 

Computer use:

Laboratory project(s):
Demonstration of a small twin-shaft gas turbine: starting up and steady state operation,  instrumentation and analysis of measured data. Demonstration of the aerodynamic behaviour of a small three-stage axial compressor. Duration 3-4 hours. No report. Attendance required.

Design content:
The course includes design aspects of the thermodynamic process. Some aerodynamic design aspects are covered; mechanical design aspects are only given in a descriptive way.

Percentage of design: 25%