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This exchange program are meant for Master's course students who will participate in lectures and/or research work to finish their studies, for either a five-months (one semester) or ten-months (two semesters) stay. They must be students of a participating university and at the time of exchange must be in the Master's course of the relevant studies.
European students will participate in a two-week workshop to be held at TU Berlin in September 2005 and subsequently will leave for Japan. Japanese students will leave Japan in September 2005 and should stay at two participating European Universities. However, the exact period of exchange depends on the host universities.
In 2004-2005, DeMaMech exchanged 16 Japanese students and 16 European students. In 2005-2006, a similar number of students will be exchanged.
The compulsory workshops for European exchange students is held in early September 2005 at TU Berlin for two weeks. Contents for the workshop are as follows.