last modified 24/04/2003

Coursecode: wb4302

Coursename: Thermodynamics of energy conversion

ECTS creditpoints: 4

Faculty of  Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Lecturer(s): Woudstra, ir N.

Tel.:  015-278 21 78

Catalog data: thermodynamics, energy conversion, exergy analysis, chemical exergy, exergy efficiency, value diagram, fuel combustion, heat exchange, turbine, compressor, conventional power station, gas turbine processes, combined cycle systems, combined heat and power, fuel cell systems, refrigerators, heat pumps, absorption cycles

Course year:

MSc 1st year

Course language English



Hours per week:


Other hours:





1A, 1B

(see academic calendar)


Prerequisites: wb1126, wb1224, wb4304

Follow up: st310, wb4422, wb4410, wb4412, wb4419, wb4420

Detailed description of topics:

·         Short recapitulation of the fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics: first law, energy balance of closed and open systems, second law, entropy and irreversibility.

·         Specific thermodynamic properties of fluids: properties of water and steam, properties of ideal gas.

·         Extended definition of exergy and environment. Chemical exergy. Exergy of fuels. Exergy efficiencies.

·         Value diagrams. Application for heat exchanging equipment and combustion processes.

·         Exergy losses of basic processes: fuel conversion, heat transfer, turbines, compressors.

·         Exergy analysis and optimisation of conventional power stations (boiler/steam cycle):

boiler: air preheating, steam conditions, feedwater temperature;

steam cycle: selection of working fluid, friction losses in boilers, losses in condensor and piping, feedwater pump, extraction feed water heating.

·         Gas turbine processes, losses and optimization:

closed cycle GT process: pressure ratio, turbine inlet temperature, cycle configuration (intercooling, recuperation, reheat);

open cycle GT process: cycle configuration, value diagram;

combined cycle systems: exergy losses HRSG, multiple pressure steam cycles, supplementary firing;

·         Combined heat and power production (CHP): thermodynamic principle of CHP, evaluation criteria, applications, power to heat matrix.

·         Fuel cells: calculation of reversible power and reversible cell voltage, effect of irreversibilities on cell performance, Nernst equation and some characteristics of SPFC (PEMFC), MCFC and SOFC, exergy losses in fuel cell systems.

·         Refrigeration cycles and heat pumps: properties of working fluids, processes with mixtures, absorption processes, water/lithium bromide systems, ammonia/water systems.

Course material:

·         Thermodynamica voor energiesystemen. J.J.C. van Lier, N. Woudstra. (Delft University Press, ISBN 90-407-2037-1)

·         Absorption chillers and heat pumps. K.E. Herold, R. Radermacher, S.A. Klein. (CRC Press, ISBN 0-8493-9427-9)

References from literature:

·         Thermodynamik. Eine Einführung in die Grundlagen und ihre technische Anwendungen. Baehr, H.D.. ISBN 3-540-08963-2

·         Thermodynamik. Grundlagen und technische Anwendungen. Einstoffsysteme. Stephan, K., Mayinger, F.. ISBN 3-540-15751-4

·         Technische Thermodynamik. Mehrstoffsysteme und chemische Reaktionen. Schmidt, E.. ISBN 3-540-07978-5

·         Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics. Moran, M.J., Shapiro, H.N.. John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0 471 97960 0

·         Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics. Smith, J.M., Van Ness, H.C., Abbott, M.M.. ISBN 0-07-118957-2

·         Combined-Cycle Gas & Steam Turbine Power Plants. Kehlhofer, R..ISBN 0-88173-076-9

Remarks (specific information about assesment, entry requirements, etc.):

Learning goals:

the course provides the student the theoretical basis and tools for the thermodynamic evaluation of state of the art and future energy conversion systems in order to:

·         perform thermodynamic (exergy) analyses of energy conversion systems

·         take decisions with regard to the design, optimization and operation of energy conversion systems

Computer use:

Laboratory project(s):

Design content: design and optimization of system components and system lay-out

Percentage of design:  50 %