wbmt2.tudelft.nl - /BEP-Archive/Werktuigbouwkunde/2018-2019/BME/S2/
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1/23/2020 2:31 PM 5937392 A Hybrid Powered Prosthetic Hand Design, Prototyping and Evaluation.pdf
1/23/2020 2:29 PM 5762040 Design and validation of an actuation mechanism designed for controlled DRS probe insertion for bone sensing in vertebra pedicle.pdf
1/23/2020 2:31 PM 55285792 Design of an ergonomic handle to operate a novel biopsy needle for ductoscopy.pdf
1/23/2020 2:27 PM 27339060 Elephant bullet removal device.pdf
1/23/2020 2:30 PM 14374786 Hybrid hand Increasing prosthetic comfort.pdf
1/23/2020 2:26 PM 6396560 Measurement shirt for the baseball pitch.pdf
1/23/2020 2:26 PM 2819369 Measuring thermal conductivity of textiles for time of death estimation.pdf
1/23/2020 2:29 PM 20115014 Multi-material 3D-printing of hard-soft interfaces.pdf
1/23/2020 2:28 PM 17221879 Searching for the correlation between the pupil size, the accommodation and the vergence of the eyes using mental tasks and 2D stimuli.pdf
1/23/2020 2:28 PM 61088517 Soft Medical Gripper.pdf